It’s All About the Surface 

A Steadily Growing Customer Base Thanks to Outstanding Quality

China is by far the world's largest automotive market, with around 30.2 million vehicles being produced there in 2023. Overall, China is therefore responsible for almost a third of global motor vehicle production.

The surface of car body parts in the automotive industry must be simply perfect. The EDT machines, type ProfiTex, from WaldrichSiegen use electrical discharge texturing to process the surface of work rolls, which is rarely used to process flat products for the car body. The electrical discharge texturing process is indispensable for these high-quality surfaces with a programmed uniform roughness, “Ra”, for the center roughness value and a defined peak number, “RPc”, of the cold rolling mills, sectors of the aluminum and stainless steel industry and in service centres.

Due to the excellent reputation that WaldrichSiegen enjoys in the Chinese market, Jiangyin Runyuan Mechanical Co., Ltd., whose products are also used in the automotive industry, became aware of WaldrichSiegen. The Chinese manufacturer of flat rolled products has decided to purchase a ProfiTex 60S – 720 / 8 × 5000 EDT machine with 25 electrodes.

In the future, it will be used at the customer's plant to machine rolls with a total length of 5,000 mm, a barrel length between 500 mm and 2,130 mm, and a total weight of up to 8 tons.

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