Of the Companies of the HerkulesGroup
The HerkulesGroup bases the actions of its managers and employees on business and conduct principles that are characterized by values such as legality, honesty, respect, reliability, integrity, and fairness. We are also committed to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Every board member, every manager, and every employee of the HerkulesGroup is therefore committed to behaving in a legally compliant, responsible, and honest manner in their relationships with their colleagues and the people and organizations in our company's environment and to treating their legitimate requirements accordingly.
The principles of conduct formulated below inform our employees about the specific qualities and behavior we expect from them in this regard. These principles apply to all professional relationships within the organization and to dealings with business partners.
Code of Conduct (EN)
We also expect our business partners to communicate these values within their companies to their employees and to implement them in their day-to-day business dealings with both their own colleagues and with business partners. We are particularly committed to upholding universal human rights and complying with the ILO core labor standards along our supply chains.
Code of Conduct for Business Partners (DE/EN)
Regardless of whether you work for us or not, you can report known or suspected violations of applicable laws or of our Code of Conduct at any time, both within the Herkules Group and in our supply chain.
If you become aware of legally questionable procedures and are unable to clarify these in personal discussions, the following contacts are available to you:
- Direct supervisor
- Management
- Human resources department
If you do not wish to approach any of the above-mentioned contacts, you can contact the HerkulesGroup's internal confidential whistleblower office anonymously:
You also have the option of contacting an external ombudsman of the HerkulesGroup:
Göttert Attorneys in Siegen
Email: info@ goettert.org
Telephone: +49 271 / 231900
Reported violations are investigated confidentially by the relevant reporting offices and appropriate measures are adopted in consultation with the responsible management. Employees who report misconduct by third parties in good faith and in good conscience will not suffer any negative consequences as a result of their report. Nevertheless, we would like to take this opportunity to point out that - based on our values as a responsibly managed family business - personal dialog is important to us and we promote open, honest, and fair dealings with each other.